Let’s End Poverty by Creating Opportunities for Student Success In Poverty Stricken Families in Bolivia
Typically poor families in Bolivia live in a one-room shack with no table, no chairs, and no sanitation. Students have to sit on the edge of the bed to do their homework. There is hunger. There is no money for study books. The Bolivia Education Foundation helps create a thriving learning environment by providing them with daily breakfast and lunch, school supplies, study books, and in the afternoon a class room with a teacher for doing homework.
BOLIVIA, named after independence fighter Simón Bolívar, broke away from Spanish rule in 1825. Democratic civilian rule was established in 1982.
The languages of Bolivia include Spanish and 36 indigenous languages, most prominently Aymara, Quechua, Chiquitano and Guaraní.
Bolivia is the second poorest country in South America, 30% of the population lives below the poverty line. Most poor cannot afford their children to attend high school, perpetuating debilitating voiceless poverty
Our leadership team is comprised of Volunteers. We are here to give back so any costs we incur, we cover personally. 100 % of all Donations received are put towards supporting our student program in Bolivia.
Casa de Educación
The sons and daughters of poor families do not have the means to attend high school and escape their systemic poverty. The purpose of the Bolivia Education Foundation is to set up Casas de Educación to make it possible for these boys and girls to successfully finish high school.
Our Casas de Educación are hosted by high schools and consist of: an eat-in kitchen with a cook, and an afternoon classroom where they can finish their homework with the help of a teacher.
All this support will help them get their high school diploma, giving them the possibility to pursue free tertiary education, a job, and leave poverty behind.
The Casa de Educación program provides
- School + sports uniforms
- School supplies + study books
- A kitchen + lunchroom for a nutritious breakfast + hot lunch
- A supervised study space
- A cook
- An after-school teacher = A homework teacher
Our ultimate goal is to help thousands of children finish school and end the cycle of poverty!
We want to implement our program, Casa de Educación in high schools across Bolivia where we find students in need.
$375 USD
We want to turn dreams into reality
We want to turn dreams into reality
By 2027 there will be 17 Casas de Educación, in 9 cities, exceeding 1,000 students enrolled in the program. That year more than 250 students will receive their high school diplomas.
Make change happen. Invest in people.
Children have been left isolated by the pandemic. Many are at risk of abuse and neglect, cut off from the support they desperately need. You can change this. You have the power to transform a life. By donating today, you're giving young people hope and a reason to believe in a brighter future.
Donation Suggestions
Donations are accepted in CAD or USD
Sport Uniform
USD 60 / CAD 85
School Supplies
(1 Student)
USD 150 / CAD 175
USD 75 / CAD 100
Meal Plan
(1 Student)
USD 200 / CAD 300
USD 100 / CAD 150
Program Cost
(1 Student)
USD 375 / CAD 500
The school year = 10 months.